
General Description: For its relatively small size, big controversy rages about when the Apricot’s distinctive sweet, faintly tart flavour first delighted the palate of Man. Some claim it was eaten during the Neolithic Age (10,200 – 4,200 BC) while other sources say Apricots were first cultivated in India some 3000 years go. Regardless of who is right, there is no arguing that this small, golden orange fruit with velvety skin and firmish flesh is an ancient fruit that through the eons of time has never lost its popularity. In more recent times, science has helped identify the Apricot as a superfood.

Growing Conditions: Apricots thrive in well-drained fertile soil on a gentle slope that helps reduce the severity of frosts, which pretty much describes the Webb’s Fruit orchard. Central Otago’s climate of cold winters and hot, dry summers suit the Apricot tree down to its roots.

Food Value: Considered one of Nature’s superfoods, the Apricot is low in calories and provides good sources of Dietary Fibre (digestive health & helping control cholesterol), Vitamin A & Carotenes (antioxidant properties, excellent for vision), Vitamin C (resistance against infectious agents) and minerals (potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese).

Clutha Sun (Early January)
A New Zealand breed variety. The first of the season with great flavour, the industry's replacement for the Sundrop variety.

Clutha Gold (Late January)
Intense flavours that create a great eating experience. Ideal for both eating and preserving.

Nevis 160 (Mid February)
First of the late season Nevis apricots. A very juicy fruit with amazing apricot flavours.

Nevis 180 (Late February)
An attractive fruit with great size. This apricot is firm yet juicy to eat. Our pick of the Nevis Series.

Nevis Late (Early/Mid March)
Last apricot for the season. Good eating experience with great apricot flavours.